PR Pathway for 457/482 STSOL Occupations

186 / 187 TRT Visas from 1st July 2022<!–

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PR Pathway for occupations in short term occupation list (STSOL)
186/187 TRT (Temporary Residence Transition Stream)

 The Morrison Government is making it easier for highly skilled migrants to remain in Australia and to continue working in critical sectors as Australia’s economic recovery continues.

From 1 July 2022 applicants will have access to permanent residency under the TRT visa stream if they are:

  • subclass 482 (TSS) visa holders in the short-term stream who were in Australia for at least 12 months between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 and at the time of application are employed by a suitable Australian employer
  • a person who held a  Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled) visa on 18 April 2017 or was an applicant for a subclass 457 visa that was subsequently granted 

This new legislation provides a pathway to permanent residency for Subclass 482 visa holders in the short-term stream, regardless of whether their nominated occupation is on the Medium & Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), the Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) or the Regional Occupation List (ROL).

Some occupations in short term occupation list are Cook, Cafe or Restaurant Manager, Baker or Hairdresser. You can check the complete list in the link below:

If you have a two-year 482 visa and your occupation is in STSOL, you must renew your 482 visa for at least another 12 months, after which you can apply for an 186 TRT visa after working on the 482 visa for three years.

Please call us to discuss further your options
Reza Aein – MARN 0955595

1800 VISA 00 (1800 847 200)



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