South West DAMA is now open!

**South West DAMA is now open!**<!–

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South West DAMA is now open!

The South West is covered by a Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) as a way to address current skills shortages affecting the region.

Designated Area Migration Agreements are a formal arrangement between the Commonwealth of Australia and a Designated Area Representative (DAR).

A DAR may be a state/territory government or regional body such as the local government (The South West DAR is the Shire of Dardanup).

Only businesses operating within the following local government areas will be eligible to apply for DAR endorsement and access the South West DAMA Labour Agreement:

City of Bunbury
City of Busselton
Shire of Augusta Margaret River
Shire of Boyup Brook
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
Shire of Capel
Shire of Collie
Shire of Dardanup
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
Shire of Harvey
Shire of Manjimup
Shire of Nannup

The majority of DAMA agreements include occupations available under the standard TSS 482 visa or regional 494 visa program. However, the South West DAMA provides additional concessions to the English Language and Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) requirements.

Occupations in demand
The South West DAMA Labour Agreement may only be used to sponsor the following occupations and only after thorough evidence has been provided to the Department of Home Affairs to show the business made concerted attempts to recruit Australian workers.

The following age concessions may apply:

55 years for overseas workers in skill level 1-4 occupations; and
50 years for overseas workers in skill level 5 occupations.



ANZSCO or 6 digit Code Occupation ANZSCO Skill Level
141999 Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec 2
423111 Aged or Disabled Worker 4
321111 Automotive Electrician 3
721212 Backhoe operator 4
351111 Baker 3
070499 Bar Attendant (Supervisor) 4
141111 Café or Restaurant Manager 2
421111 Child Care Worker 4
233211 Civil Engineer 1
411711 Community Worker 2
821211 Concreter 5
133111 Construction Project Manager 1
351411 Cook 3
841512 Dairy Cattle Farm Worker 5
831114 Dairy Products Maker 5
321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic 3
411712 Disabilities Services Officer 2
712211 Driller 4
721211 Earthmoving Plant Operator (General) 4
411411 Enrolled Nurse 2
721214 Excavator Operator 4
411713 Family Support Worker 2
841211 Fruit or Nut Farm Worker 5
841212 Fruit or Nut Picker 5
253111 General Practitioner 1
431999 Hospitality Workers nec 5
149999 Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec 2
141311 Hotel or Motel Manager 2
431411 Hotel Service Manager 3
135112 ICT Project Manager 1
721216 Loader Operator 4
721112 Logging Plant Operator 4
321213 Motorcycle Mechanic 3
321211 Motor Mechanic (General) 3
899411 Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitter (General) 4
841217 Mushroom Picker 5
423312 Nursing support Worker 4
324111 Panelbeater 3
351112 Pastrycook 3
233513 Production or Plant Engineer 1
411715 Residential Care Officer 2
621511 Retail Supervisor 4
711913 Sand Blaster 4
839412 Sawmill or Timber Yard Worker 5
251214 Sonographer 1
821713 Steel Fixer 4
233215 Transport Engineer 1
733111 Truck Driver (General) 4
899415 Tyre Fitter 4
841214 Vegetable Farm Worker 5
841215 Vegetable Picker 5
841216 Vineyard Worker 5
431511 Waiter 4
070499 Waiter (Supervisor) 4
272613 Welfare Worker 1
411716 Youth Worker 2

Please contact us to arrange meeting and discuss further your options :
08 9268 4111
National free call:
1800 VISA 00 (1800 847 200)



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